Tuesday, 26 March 2013

Professional Development plan

Name: felipe perez sama

L2 Music
 Target 1:

To improve my guitar playing by developing solid techniques when practicing

How will this help you reach your career aim?

It will improve my development as
a guitar player

Action plan (steps you needs to take):

Learn new playing techiniques,and a apply them to my playing
What resources/help will you need and why?

Guitar dvd’s are very helpful, i can either find them on a music shop or youtube/internet.

Most of the instructors are very expirienced, and i can choose my playing style.

When do you plan to reach this target?

21st of April
How will you be able to demonstrate that you have reached the target? (what evidence will there be?)

By performing songs that i haven’t played before and are based on a solid playing.

Target 2:
To have frequent practices
How will this help you reach your career aim?
It will help me to improve a lot faster and make my dedication stronger

Action plan (steps you needs to take):
find information and any other resources such as dvd’s, documentaries, books, tutors etc. And use them often
What resources/help will you need and why?
Use the necesary resources to learn and help my practicing,this will increase my knowledge and expirience.

When do you plan to reach this target?
Start: 26th of march
End : N/A
How will you be able to demonstrate that you have reached the target? (what evidence will there be?)
By composing and performing new ideas.

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